For young brands: A to-go guide to build and grow as a brand and how to visualize ideas and strategies

We all had that short moment where an awesome idea just popped up in our minds, like a light bulb. The idea is amazing and the possible finished result would be a bestseller. But wait a minute! Before you dive right into your amazing idea you need to take a few steps back and think about what your brand is about exactly and what image you want your brand to have.

The image of your brand is way more important than you might think it is. At the end of the day people will associate your brand with a specific thought, image, slogan or style. So it is very important to find that one thing, that you want your brand to embody and that fits your brand perfectly. So you have to ask yourself what makes your brand unique and what possible customers should associate with your brand when they see your logo, your product or slogan.

Finding the right and perfect branding for your unique brand

Think about bigger companies and how they manage the branding and imaging of their brand. What do you associate with this brand? The color, the repeated slogan or the lifestyle shown in a commercial? All these attributes will be subconsciously connected to this specific brand. So you should think about an idea, visualize it and keep that idea up throughout the branding and storytelling of your brand. If you are using a unique font then stick to that so people will associate this font with your brand. Always try to not change impact factors like the font or logo design of your brand too often. People will recognize these things as your unique brand image.

What about the color scheme in marketing?

But of course the slogan and font style are not the only things you should keep in mind. The color scheme of your brand design and the whole image and marketing of your brand is also a very important factor. The colors should be very closely connected to the kind of products you want to sell. Imagine that you want to sell fair trade colorful candy, of course the color scheme for that would not be dark but more colorful, so happy colors like pink, yellow and blue will be a good choice. Always think out of the box when you are trying to find the perfect color scheme that represents your brand. The color scheme can also represent a feeling a customer should get when they see your brand. What kind of feeling do you want your potential customers to associate with your brand and what kind of color could help you with that?

Building a personal connection to customers. Describe the motivation for your brand, what is your mission?

Not only the visual but also the emotional aspects of your brand are important. Think about what kind of brand you are and what kind of backstory your brand has. Is there potential to put that into a heartwarming or inspirational story that your customers can associate with to get a better understanding of your brand and the idea you stand behind of? The possibility to describe your brand and to give customers a personal connection is very important because customers will remember that feeling and will associate that with your brand. We are very sure that you had a specific motivation or inspiration to get your brand started. Everyone has. What was your motivation? What makes you as a brand special? Especially smaller or newer brands have the great possibility to introduce themselves as unique individuals with amazing ideas and products. To get a better personal connection between potential customers and your brand it is important to explain what motivated you, who you are and what your goal is. Customers love it when they get to know the person behind all the creative work, it shows them that you are not an impersonal brand but a human with awesome ideas, motivations and goals. This is exactly what makes people interested in your brand. They get a deeper and more personal connection.

Pictures are a very important emotional factor

Have you ever seen a product picture or a commercial that you felt so connected to? Working with the right pictures and video material is one of the most important aspects for your brand. If you are going to use your product pictures in, for example, online and social media marketing, then you have to think carefully about what kind of lifestyle and feeling you want your potential customers to get when they take a look at your products and your brand. Should they feel inspired, special, adventurous or curious? There can be a lot of feelings by just taking a quick look at one picture. A good tip is also to always include your brand logo at the outer corner on every of your product pictures so potential customers can connect your brand with that special feeling and emotional bonding they get when they see your pictures. It is very important that you think about how exactly your marketing campaign and your product pictures should be seen and what emotions you want to get connected to your brand. 

And last but not least: The unique selling point

We are pretty sure that you have already heard of the famous unique selling point when it comes to marketing and the overall image of a brand. The unique selling point is also one of the most important things and you need to think carefully and thoroughly about what your unique selling point is. Think about what makes your brand unique and special and why your brand stands out from all the other brands and ideas next to you. Think about a quick elevator pitch. Someone is asking you about what makes your brand unique. What will you answer to that question? Does your brand have unique features no other brand already has? Is the pricing for your products maintainable with the quality of your products? Why should the person buy your products and work with your brand instead of another brand? Think about all these questions carefully.

The idea of your brand is clear, what now?

You have everything set up and know exactly what your brand is going to be about and where you want to go with your brand. Then you are definitely ready to take the next big step as a brand and think about how you want to manage the marketing of your brand and how you will address your target group. In the next couple of weeks you will find more information and tips about how to set up your brand perfectly in our FAIRLING blog. We will always have some helpful tips and strategies for you! 

If you already have an awesome brand and you came reading our blog prepared, then you should definitely reach out to potential resellers. We would love to help you with that!


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