An explanation of how to define your business goals on Instagram and what you should definitely keep in mind (Part 3)

In our last post, we talked about how you can define your perfect target audience for your brand and your advertisement that you want to publish on social media and Instagram specifically. In this post, we will talk about the last and most important step. How to set up the business goals for your brand. We are sure that you probably already have one or the other goal in mind or a specific number that you would like to reach. And even if you are still unsure about your goals you have no need to worry about that. In this post, we will talk in detail about how you should start with setting up your business goals.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The first step to set up a goal and a successful strategy is to set S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself and your brand. Without a specific goal for your brand, you will not know where exactly you want to go with your advertising and what exactly you even want to reach. So what are S.M.A.R.T. goals? 







This means that you have to be clear with the numbers that you would like to reach or improve on. By the end of your advertising campaign, you need to be able to check these numbers to see if you have reached your goal or not and if there is room for improvement for your next advertising campaign. This means if your goal for your social media account is to gain new followers then you have to be clear about the specific number of new followers that you would like to get. Do you want to gain 100 or 1,000 followers? Make sure to work with numbers to track your progress.


Every goal that you have for your social media advertising needs some kind of metric and measurement. Without that, you won’t be able to see if changes or new strategies that you have tried really did work or improved. Statistics and metrics are always very important to get a better understanding of your business and the behavior of your customers and followers. This means if your goal is to get more people to click on your website link on your Instagram account and your advertising campaign with your new posts and stories mention the link on your profile then you have to make sure that you will be able to measure the exact number of how often people clicked on your link. This is especially important to compare older and newer statistics once you have published a new advertisement.


Your social media goals should always be challenging and should have the need to put a lot of effort into them. However, you have to make sure that you will set yourself goals that are within reach and are realistic for you and your business. To set up a business goal that is attainable you have to be very aware of where exactly you stand with your business right now and what options are realistic for you. If you set the goal for your business with a brand new account on Instagram to reach more than 10,000 followers within just a few weeks then you have to take a step back and think about if this goal will really be able to get realized within this time frame. It is recommended to start with smaller goals or work with the knowledge that you have of your business to get the most out of your business goals.


Always remember that everything that you are doing for your business will affect your business. In a good or in a bad way. Even the smaller business goals that you have set for your business will always be linked to your larger business objectives. Make sure that you always know what exactly you are going for and how your smaller business goals will affect and contribute to your business in general. That means if you set a business goal to get more likes and interactions with your content on your Instagram account then you have to understand what this will mean for your business in general and how it will affect your business.


For your business goal, it is highly recommended to have a deadline. A specific time frame for your business goals is very important to compare your results and when you should check in on your success. The time frame, therefore, is completely up to you and depends on what kind of business goal you have set for yourself. It will make measuring your results and your success way easier. You can also add some milestones along the way to check-in incrementally so keep track of your results and the performance of your advertisement.  

Defining Business Goals

So once you made sure you know how to set up a business goal for your brand you can start working on the specific goals that you would like to achieve. Especially on Instagram, there are a lot of different types of goals that would benefit your brand. These goals are very dependent on what exactly you would like to achieve, how you would like to achieve these goals, and how you would like to execute them. If you are still unsure about what possible business goals there are on Instagram and which goals would fit your brand the most, then stay tuned for our part 4 and final post about advertising on Instagram!

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