What are the Instagram marketing options for a brand and how to work with influencers as a popular marketing strategy?

Marketing on Instagram?

So,  in our last post, we have talked about how to set up your Instagram profile and how to use your newsfeed, stories, and hashtags to give your brand the perfect start on Instagram. And since Instagram itself is a very good option for a brand to grow, gain new customers, and a bigger follower base you have probably come to question yourself if there are more options for you as a brand. There has to be more to this Instagram marketing that everyone is talking about. The short answer is: Yes! 

Keep going and have a set goal

In this post, we want to introduce you to a new but very easy option of how Instagram marketing can work for your own brand. But before we dive right into the deep sphere of marketing, take a step back and appreciate all the effort you have put into your brand so far. You are doing great and we will continue to help you grow as a brand and to develop a better understanding of how marketing can be beneficial for you. 

Influencers on Instagram

You have probably already heard of the so-called influencers. Popular people on Instagram with a lot of followers. They post content on a daily basis, upload stories, and keep their follower base always up to date. The type of influencer can be very different. From food to gaming or fashion, everything is represented by a lot of influencers who post fitting content. A lot of influencers take a lot of time and effort to create the perfect picture and the most interesting content for their profile. And that is what makes them special, every influencer in their own way.

Influencers as a better marketing option

A lot of companies and brands are already working with influencers. A so-called cooperation. It is a new way of marketing for a new product or a brand – a new way and very different from usual commercials on TV or paid ads on the internet. The special thing about influencers is that they are actual people, recording and uploading their interests, facts about their private life, and much more. For many, especially younger followers, it is a lot easier to identify themselves with an influencer than an ad on a website. The difference is, that a follower was already interested in the influencer and their content before and will possibly have a higher interest and awareness for the product that an influencer is posting content about.

German influencer in a store.
Different kind of influencers

So if you are thinking about working with an influencer for your brand, keep on reading! Before you browse through Instagram to find some fitting influencers for your brand and content there are a few things that you need to know. Basically, influencers can be parted into different categories. There are nano, micro, macro, and mega influencers and you have to know the difference between these categories to find the perfect influencer for your own brand.

1. Nano Influencers

The nano influencers have a very small follower range and usually post and upload content about private topics and interests. However, nano influencers have very high authority and are being seen as honest people of life. The small follower base is usually following nano influencers because they are genuinely interested in the person and their content and want to stay up to date.

2. Micro influencers

The micro-influencers have a specific topic they post about and their feed is genuinely directed to that. Smaller bloggers or YouTubers usually fall under this category. The follower base is usually in the 4 to 5-digit numbers and followers interact with the posts, uploads, and opinions of these influencers on a very high level. The interaction level of micro-influencers, in general, is one of the highest of all the different kinds of influencers. The content of micro-influencers is usually also more professional but still seems honest and kind to followers. 

3. Macro influencers

The macro influencers usually have followers in the 6 to 7-digit numbers and therefore have a way higher range of followers. Macro influencers for example can be models, more popular bloggers or YouTubers. Their content is of higher quality and respectability but may seem less personal and followers tend to not identify themselves with their content on a too personal level. The interaction rate of followers with macro-influencers such as linking, commenting and sharing is lower than for micro-influencers. A higher follower base usually means less interaction, however, the range of the reachable followers is still bigger than the one compared to the micro-influencers.

4. Mega influencers

Last but not least there are mega influencers. Stars, actors, singers or other well-known famous people usually fall under this category. They have an immense range of followers. However, the personal identification of a follower with the content of a mega influencer is very low since usually followers do follow these influencers out of curiosity and to stay up to date in the news. The interaction rate of mega influencers is, compared to the number of their followers, very low but compared to the other kinds of influencers still very high. 

Which influencer fits your brand?

So which kind of influencer is the best option for your brand and how do you contact them? First of all, you have to think about how many people and what kind of people you would like to address with your brand and what kind of people the influencer that you will choose addresses. Are you a small and newer brand and your goal is to gain more popularity and interest for your brand? Then nano and micro-influencers are definitely the best options for you. If you want to advertise a specific new product and gain customers, then micro and macro-influencers are the perfect options for you.

Girl sitting in bed being on her phone.
1. Do a checklist for an influencer

It is always recommended to browse through the influencers’ profiles. Make sure that their content fits your brand and that you feel like the influencer is uploading content on a regular basis. Check how many of their followers do interact with their content and how the influencer promoted other brands. Do you like the way they promoted brands in their pictures? How did their follower base react? While checking the influencer’s profile you should keep a checklist and see if you really want to work with them.

2. The next step: Contacting them

If you made the decision that this influencer is the one that fits your brand the most, then the next step is to contact them and send them a business inquiry. Depending on what kind of brand you are what kind of influencer you will be contacting you have to think about how formal the business inquiry should be. This is completely up to you and how you want to represent yourself as a brand. Keep in mind that by the end of the message you have to offer them your idea of the cooperation with them and their account on Instagram.

3. What kind of cooperation is the best for your brand?

Cooperation? How should that look like, you ask? Of course, you can negotiate with the influencer about how exactly you want them to promote your brand or a specific product. If you already have a specific product that you want them to promote, offer them a free sample and ask for a few posts on their profile and in their story in return. Think carefully about if sending them a free product will be worth it – keep your checklist in mind! If you can not afford to send them a free product there are of course other options as well. Many influencers do a shoutout on their profile against payment and others will promote your brand with a sales coupon for your products. The list is endless and you have to make sure that you will find the perfect option for your brand.

4. Seal the deal!

Seal the deal! Once you have everything set up, seal the deal! Send the influencer the product or any other plan you made with them. Stay up to date and make sure to be as friendly as possible to receive the best results. They are basically a customer that you want them to leave a super good public review, so do your best and stay honest!

5. Always check the results

Once an influencer has promoted your brand, you might get new followers, new customers, or interest in your products. Always keep an eye on your statistics before and after an influencer promote your brand or one of your products. Through these statistics, you can learn what way will work best for your brand and your goals and what things could have been done better. If you want to grow as a brand you have to keep an eye on these things to optimize your strategies! 

If you are thinking about publishing a paid advertising campaign on Instagram for your brand then stay tuned, there will be a post about this online very soon!

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